The celebrity life seems like a lifestyle everyone wants, but it’s not all fun and games – it’s hard work and involves a lot of determination. Joao Marques Lima, 20, university student at London Metropolitan University and CEO of CN Times, has worked his way up the ladder from studying Journalism to having a well-known continental news website.
When studying online journalism, things started to set up for Joao. “When I studied online journalism, I knew something was missing, so I started up my first blog under the name ‘The Imperial Typewriter’,” Joao says.
But creating a website proved to be easier said than done, as it took up a lot of Joao’s time and creativity. He said, ‘The logos, banners and website design I used different programmes – this includes a lot of all-night working. Coming up with the final idea was a lot of planning and deciding, as I’m not a designer,” Joao says,
With anyone who works hard and puts the effort in, you would want to enjoy the perks that come with it, even if that means a great following and people knowing who you are.
“Whoever knows me will know that I dream high, and I think everybody should do so,” Joao says. “Anyone who is interested in writing for CN Times, I would say to get in touch its definitely a good platform to get work out there and published online.”