Apart from the Michael Kors bag, I would personally say Celine bags are extremely popular this season. However, not everyone can afford these stylish designer bags, and have to choose from brands who offer smilar products at a much more affordable price.
Apart from the straps and zip design, it should be easy to distinguish the difference between a real Celiene and a copy-cat. And what are these fake/copy-cat bags doing to the original bags themselves? Well, putting people off, of course.
Speaking to a bag fanatic, who wished to remain annonymous, has most designer bags you can think of. She is not afraid to say she is a materialistic person owning Louboutins, Jimmy Choo’s, Prada bags and Michael Kors. However, when it comes to Celine, it seems the hundreds of fake copies are putting her off the original, stylish unique tote. Not so much unique anymore as these fakes are miss-leading the originals.
I mean, not everyone can spot a fake. Bring me a Louis Vuitton handbag, and a fake one, and I can honestly say I cannot spot the difference between the two, even if it hit me in the face. But as for these Celine bags, it is not as hard. More obvious reason the Celine brand at the front.
Anyways, I don’t think people should be put-off these stunning bags. Fake or not fake, the Celine bags are still very much popular. They are especially popular with the likes of celebrities such as; Reese Witherspoon, Ashley Tisdale, Mary-Kate Olsen, Lily Allen, and even the Kardashians.
Here are a few of my favourites;