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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Louisiana Tech chapter.

As each doors are closing around me

I can’t imagine how I even made it all the way down

this never-ending corridor

where I can’t see my own feet moving in front of me 

carrying me out the threshold to a room

I feel I don’t belong. 


I never thought I could be in the room

with such adults and heralded figures.

I’m barely even an adult myself,

how can I be expected to thrive if I cannot 

pick out a pair of shoes without calling my mother 

for her approval at Walmart?


Where did the time go?

When did I become so invested in my future

instead of looking around and reading

focusing more on Pinterest ideas and random painting techniques

than budgeting for a future home

and finding my passion in my career.


Who let me become such a serious person

and released me into this brutal world?

I have no choice, I must walk out and face whatever is in store

my foot’s trapped outside the world,

I race out ready to see the world as an equal

I am ready to conquer my fears.

Kristen Bastin

Louisiana Tech '20

Technical Writing and Creative Writing student at Louisiana Tech.