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Five Ways to Spice Up Your Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Louisiana Tech chapter.

Recently I was asked what I am passionate about. I didn’t have an immediate answer, so I went on a journey to try more things in order to discover myself and what I enjoy. I have been adding spice to my life lately, so here are some ways that you can try doing the same!

#1: Add Green to Your Space

My moods and emotions are influenced by what is in my constant environments. I enjoy being motivated and at peace with my surroundings, and I find that plants bring life, freshness, and a pop of color to my life. I have one in my room that I see when I wake up, in passing throughout my day, and as I rest in the evenings. It represents life and growth. Although it is a small addition to my space, the accumulation of small joys does add up to greater joys. I recommend adding a plant to your room, bathroom, or anywhere in your home if you are a plant lover and looking for a meaningful décor piece!

#2: Create a Challenge for Yourself

It is rewarding to constantly challenge yourself. It doesn’t always have to be in big ways. Small wins are just as important as big ones. These challenges can be making your bed every morning for a month, going for a walk in nature every day, or trying a new workout for a period of time. I think trying new routines can lead to becoming a better version of ourselves by learning more about who we are and what we are passionate about. 

#3: Face a Fear

Our comfort zones can prohibit us from living fully sometimes. In the past, when I avoided something I wanted to do but was too afraid of I was left with what-ifs. What-ifs are not what I want to have my life riddled with because there is no growth in them. If you have a talent or you’re passionate about something and you want to share it, you should go for it, push fear to the side, and win happiness over that fear. 

#4: Buy Concert Tickets

This is one of my favorite ways to integrate joy into my life. A concert is something to look forward to and will create happy memories to bring life back into your life. Make it even more special by bringing a group of friends. You just can’t go wrong with concert tickets. I mean c’mon! 

#5: Try a New Hobby

I like consistently trying new DIYs or practicing something new whether it’s baking, music, or crafting. You never know what will intrigue you or spark something within you that leads to something great, new or both! Life is a journey, and we should be able to make it a fun one.

I hope that I have inspired you to take more leadership over your own life. Life is simply meant to be lived, and I think discovering what we are passionate about makes it intriguing! I encourage you to search for your own ways to challenge or reinvent yourself. 


Lexi Epling

Louisiana Tech '21

An ambitious 20 year old in pursuit of becoming the best version of myself. Obsessed with travel, music, cappuccinos, and podcasts.
Kristen Bastin

Louisiana Tech '20

Technical Writing and Creative Writing student at Louisiana Tech.