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How I Incorporate Eco-friendliness in Everyday Activities

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Louisiana Tech chapter.

A few years back I started learning about environmental consciousness and each of our day-to-day impacts. Since learning more, I’ve been intrigued to implement and learn more about changes to make in my own life! Here are some ways that I do this!


Recycling is tricky based on the vast rules on what can and cannot be reused. I am constantly still learning and listening, but even the smallest steps made by each of us makes an impact on a cleaner environment. Also, our efforts can boost change that can be seen by the government, so they can pass laws and/or regulations to prohibit wasteful living amongst us all. Personally, my household collects soda and soup cans, bottles, plastic bags, plastic containers, cardboard, paper, etc. in our kitchen. First, we clean out the containers, and when our collection gets overwhelming we take turns go and dropping it off at local recycling centers. I like the sense of actually taking a tangible step to reducing my carbon footprint, and enjoy this small habit my roommates and I do daily!

Using a metal water bottle instead of a plastic water bottle

Instead of constantly consuming plastic water bottles, I think it is a smart choice to invest in a metal water bottle such as a Hydroflask or S’well. I used to buy cases of water all the time from the store, and this was contributing to so much plastic consumption. When I bought a Hydroflask, I was aware of how it benefited the environment and also I wasn’t spending as much money in that area. The less plastic you consume, the more responsible you’re being toward the environment. Consumption also shows producers demand, so the less of us to buy them will signal that that consumer choice is unpopular. 

Bringing a Cute Tote to Grocery Shop With

To reduce our plastic intakes, we can make better strides such as using our own bags instead of accepting the plastic grocery bags at the store. I personally keep 3 totes in my car at all times to prevent leaving a store with more plastic than I intended. Totes can be cute and a fun way to spice up grocery shopping! This is a win-win because it’s a benefit for you and a benefit for the earth. 

Bringing Reusables to Restaurants 

There are so many instances of receiving plastic at restaurants, coffee shops, take-out places, etc. Yes, this is convenient, but little efforts to incorporate eco-friendly alternatives will stir change. You can purchase silicone or metal straws to use in public and at home to stay away from the use of plastic straws. You can also bring bamboo or metal utensils to dinner, your own storage containers for leftovers or take-out, and/or your own coffee tumbler or mug for grabbing a coffee with a friend or on the go. Personally, I’ve seen discounts given in coffee shops if you bring your own mug, and more businesses are incorporating recyclable products in their own routine. Little changes are noticed which leads to large impacts! 

I’m constantly learning from listening to other’s stories of incorporating eco-conscious choices into their lives, from podcasts, and from social media altogether. I hope this article showed you a way to start or implement nice habits into your life and to make greener choices!


Lexi Epling

Louisiana Tech '21

An ambitious 20 year old in pursuit of becoming the best version of myself. Obsessed with travel, music, cappuccinos, and podcasts.
Kristen Bastin

Louisiana Tech '20

Technical Writing and Creative Writing student at Louisiana Tech.