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Anna Schultz-Girl Sitting On Bed Facing Wall
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Wellness > Mental Health

Taking Time for Yourself During the Holidays

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Louisiana Tech chapter.

Practicing “self care” is something we hear about all the time, but the concept is regularly placed on the back burner. With finals, family stress, holiday events, and everything in between taking away focus from ourselves, taking a step back from the responsibilities of life can help you find spaces to breathe and be less stressed throughout the season. When everything gets overwhelming, make sure to make time and step away, even if it’s just for a moment, to better yourself and keep your mental health in check.

With the holidays looming around the corner, taking time for yourself to balance your feelings and stress becomes crucial, especially with a packed schedule. One stress that you don’t have to worry about this week is finals! Quarter break is finally here, so live it to the fullest. Be sure to put classes behind you for a while and worry less about school, there are plenty of other things to do!

Even without the stress of school, working to get away from family stress and holiday obligations can be extremely hard. If you’ve gone home for the holidays, being looped into activities and caught up in the whirlwind of planning can be extremely stressful. Here’s a few easy but effective ways to focus on yourself throughout the holidays!

Wake up early and spend time with yourself

Breaks are a great time to sleep in and relax, but waking up early can be just as rewarding. Wake up an hour earlier than you planned to sleep in (this doesn’t have to be super early! I tend to stay asleep until 10 on breaks, but I changed it to 9) and just spend some time alone. Read a book, drink coffee, or just explore on Pinterest. Find something that makes you relaxed and helps you to start the day on a positive note. Avoid anything super stressful or negative- the point of this routine is to make sure you get to start the day happy and refreshed!

Concentrate on tasks that make you happy

Hobbies can easily be lost within the mess that is school and work life. Finding the joy from small tasks can be really hard to get back into, but use this time to focus on things that make you the happiest you can be! Use hobbies to step away from holiday planning and work on a skill for yourself. I personally like to get the complex paint by numbers over holidays and try to work on them for a little bit during the day to concentrate less on the chaos around me. Find something you really enjoy and make time for it each day! 

End your night on a positive note

Letting yourself wind down after a long day can help boost self confidence and get you to relax more overall. After a long day, take the time to get ready for bed and relax instead of immediately trying to sleep. Take a hot shower, use some face masks, and relax in bed before heading off to sleep. Giving yourself time to relax and mentally prepare for bed helps you sleep better and be better rested for the days ahead!

Just because the break this quarter falls between some stressful holidays doesn’t mean you have to let it get you down! Enjoy the break and take some time out for yourself- you’ve earned it!


Kristen Bastin

Louisiana Tech '20

Technical Writing and Creative Writing student at Louisiana Tech.