Sometimes it seems hard to do things with your boyfriend/girlfriend without spending a lot of money. I’m here to let you in on a few things that I have done in relationships as well as things that are available to try that I haven’t gotten to do yet. Most of these activities are inexpensive or don’t cost anything at all! I have definitely used Pinterest in the past to find new things to do, but now that I have a bucket list of things to do I thought I’d share a few ideas with all of you.
Go to a Concert
- Card/Board/Video Games – Games are such a great way to learn more about how your partner thinks strategically and how funny they can be.
Have a Picinic
Painting – painting is a lot of fun in my opinion and there are multiple things you can paint. It can get messy but it’s always fun seeing the other person’s creativity and then being able to put it on the wall to admire it every day and reminisce on the memories.
Horseback Riding
Binge Watch a TV Series – I finished Cobra Kai in two weeks with my boyfriend. It was so relaxing, entertaining, and allows me to look forward to the next season coming out (January 8). There are endless options of shows and movies with all the streaming services there are such as Netflix, Hulu, Disney Plus, HBO Max, and so on.
Go to a Sports Game or Theater Performance
Cook Your Favorite Meals – You have to eat, so why not eat together? This is a way of sharing your interests and trying new things.
Grocery/Clothing Shopping – Going to the grocery store is something that’s a necessity, but it doesn’t have to be a hassle. Clothes shopping isn’t always mandatory, but it can be a lot of fun especially if you pick out outfits for each other.
Hang Out With Each Other’s Friends – It’s very important to be friends with their friends so that you can be together more and not take time away from either of your friends’ time. It also helps you feel less left out when they make plans because you’ll most likely be invited (unless it’s a guys/girls night).
Go to a Party
Learn How to Dance – For any of the students here at Louisiana Tech’s campus, they have a salsa class that teaches you how to dance, but they also have Zumba classes where you can learn dances while working out (it’s just not an as romantic of dances).
Go to Church
Walk Your Dog or Volunteer at a Local Animal Shelter – It’s really nice to spend time with your pets, but it’s also fun to give dogs/cats attention and love those who don’t have a forever home at the moment. 4Paws is a local shelter in Ruston, but I know there’s more in the surrounding cities such as West Monroe, Monroe, and Shreveport.
Go on a Long Drive – I have recently learned that driving around together gives you extra time to get to know each other, spend time together, and enjoy each other’s music tastes.
Don’t forget to make time for each other! Life is tough and gets busy at times, but that doesn’t mean you have to stop having fun with your significant other during the week or on the weekends. You only have one life. You don’t stay young forever, so remember you’re never too old to try new things. Live for the now and take a leap of faith to share experiences and create memories with the person you care most about.