The week before finals? More like the week of my demise.
We are in the midst of finals week, and I’m practically dying; not only is my laptop losing power, but I am too. No matter what the assignment or test may be, I’m refusing to do it until the last minute. It’s as if I want to do the worst possible things to myself. Time management? Selfcare? Organization? Forget about it! Let’s just do everything the last minute in a disastrous mess, and regress into self-sabotage I say to myself. Seems pretty logical to me. So, here is a perfect representation of my week before finals:
Monday: The beginning stage; organization and hope intact.
Tuesday: Slowly becoming overwhelmed with the impending due dates
Wednesday: losing sight of where to even start or focus
Thursday: Tackling everything at once, attempting to multitask
Friday: Simply just trying to finish no matter what the outcome may be
Saturday: Running on no sleep, only energy drinks and coffee
Sunday before finals week: praying, lots and lots of praying
The only way for me to represent my loss of sanity while plunging into stress and anxiety is through memes, so enjoy laughing through my pain. I hope those who relate can enjoy a break from their reality of assignments and deadlines to look through this article.