Welcome back to my aromatherapy column! I am here to educate you on aromatherapy and essential oils in hopes that you feel more comfortable incorporating them in your daily life and routine. A holistic and natural way to care for yourself, aromatherapy can work wonders in so many different ways.
This week, I am featuring… geranium essential oil! Over the summer while I was working at the essential oil shop, I overheard a customer describe geranium as “rose’s cheaper cousin.” So, if you are unfamiliar with geranium, it smells very similar to a rose. You can even find blends of rose and geranium together! Geranium flowers are native to the Mediterranean, but can be grown in other temperate climates (The Maple Blog). There are even 400+ types of geranium flowers! Its essential oil is so versatile and is often used in beauty routines and skincare regimens. I currently own a bottle from Woolzies, one of my favorite essential oil brands, but several other brands and shops sell it,  too.. You can find it here: https://woolzies.com/product/woolzies-essential-oil-geranium/
Here are six ways to use geranium essential oil:
A great anti-inflammatory, geranium essential oil can be applied on acne or blemishes to calm down redness. Be sure to mix it with some facial moisturizer or serum so it is diluted.
Similar to my last point, geranium is also an antibacterial agent. Again, this can help with acne on the skin, or with any minor wounds/scrapes you have. Prevent infection by applying the oil topically with a carrier oil.
Mix a couple drops of geranium oil into mouthwash for some extra protection against bad breath and gum disease.
Get your glow on! Mix geranium into your morning moisturizer for some extra glow and cell rejuvenation.
We hate mosquitoes, and mosquitoes hate geranium essential oil! Mix some oil into your body lotion or make a body spray with some water to repel the mosquitoes. Even though summer is coming to an end here in Chicago, there are still some mosquitoes lingering… geranium essential oil can also provide relief after you have been bitten.
Simply just use geranium in your aromatherapy diffuser! It is a very pleasant scent, can reduce allergies, and promote emotional wellbeing.
A few diffuser recipes that use geranium essential oil:
Herbal: 3 drops geranium, 2 drops frankincense, 1 drop rosemary
Tranquil: 3 drops geranium, 3 drops ylang ylang
Uplifting: 2 drops geranium, 2 drops lemon or lime, 2 drops tangerine (This is my favorite! I use this in my diffuser while I am getting ready in the morning.)
Restoring: 4 drops geranium, 2 drops eucalyptus, 1 drop rosemary
Peaceful/floral: 3 drops geranium, 2 drops lavender
Stay tuned for my next essential oil feature, coming soon!