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Michael Conway ’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LUC chapter.


Name: Michael Conway

Major: History and Political Science

Year: Senior

Hailing from: Cincinnati, Ohio


What made you choose Loyola?

I liked Chicago, they have a really good History department, and I like the Jesuit model of education.

Is there a particular era in history that you’re especially fond of?

I really like 19th century European history. You get to see the fallout from the Napoleonic Wars, the rise and fall of liberal nationalism in the revolutions of 1848, and then how the seeds of World War I are sown in the latter half of the century.

What are your plans once you’ve graduated?

Well…I intend to pursue an advanced degree in some form. I’m not sure whether I prefer pursuing an advanced degree in history or going to law school at this point. So I’m taking a gap year in which I will coach swimming and write sports columns. Then I’ll see what happens.

Who’s your celebrity crush and why?

Ooh that’s a tough one. I’ll go with Chrissy Teigen. She’s an SI Swimsuit model engaged to John Legend. She’s a badass on Twitter and blogs about making food that tastes good regardless of health. So she’s kind of awesome.

What’s the first thing you notice about a potential love interest?

Whether she can catch sarcasm and pointed humor.

In the same sense, is there something you would consider a deal breaker?

If you’re a Miami Heat fan. No can do.

Do you have a go-to pick up line?

No I really don’t. I wish I could give you one. I just try to work into the natural flow of conversation.

How would you describe your time at Loyola so far?

I mean, I’ve been really satisfied. I’ve been challenged academically and prompted and encouraged to engage with academic topics I find really interesting. And I’ve had a blast, developing good friendships and enjoying what the city has to offer. Living in a city with an NBA franchise has been a real plus.

Do you have any advice for our underclassman readers?

Don’t make plans too far in advance for the weekends. If someone asks you on a Friday what your plans are at lunchtime, you shouldn’t have any idea. You gotta stay open to what might find you as the night or weekend progresses.

Meredith is a Classical Civilizations major and Studio Art minor, with hopeful intentions of graduating in May of 2014. Originating from Los Angeles, she has enjoyed filling her closet with coats, boots and scarves--previously unfamiliar accessories that have become a welcomed necessity. In her spare time, you will find her reeking havoc on the streets of Chicago, or snuggling her life away with her best friend Hossa, the black lab mutt puppy.
Mandaline is a senior at Loyola University Chicago studying International Business and Marketing at the Quinlan School of Business. You are most likely to find her running along the Lakeshore Path, trying out a new local restaurant in the city, or promoting Her Campus LUC on campus!  Mandaline is thrilled to be one of the co-founders of Her Campus LUC and  hopes that everyone enjoys the fantastic community that is Her Campus!