The Pack Nutrition — a health cafe serving protein shakes, teas, coffee and more — is celebrating its grand opening Saturday, Jan. 30.
Located at 6202 N. Broadway, the new Rogers Park/Edgewater location is an expansion of the store’s original Lakeview location. Though the cafe held a soft opening on Nov. 9, 2020, the grand opening ushers in a full menu and full-length store hours, not to mention the sales and giveaways promised throughout the day.
The Pack’s menu primarily consists of energizing teas and healthy shakes. Classic teas and shakes — though the flavors are anything but (think skittles tea and cinnamon toast crunch shake) — range from $7-12. Teas and shakes with added health ingredients — such as the Immuni-TEA, which features zinc and vitamin C — range from $10-16.
In addition to health and wellness, The Pack has a strong emphasis on positivity and community building.
“There’s so much opportunity to connect people together around something like-minded, around something positive,” store owner Meera Dahyahbhi said. “We wanted to provide a non-judgment, very positive environment.”
For more on The Pack Nutrition, their story and their mission, watch HCLUC member MaryKate Gallagher’s video coverage:
For the latest updates, follow The Pack on Instagram @_thepacknutrition.