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All about Emma Chamberlain’s Podcast & Why You Should Listen to It

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lynn chapter.

Emma discusses controversial topics that everyone thinks in their head but they are too afraid to speak out about how they feel.

Emma Chamberlain. Have you heard of the name? She sounds familiar, right? Emma Chamberlain is a YouTuber, who started her career in 2017. Emma has done many amazing things in her career like modeling for Teen Vogue, winning the Teen Choice Award for Choice Female Web Star, and so much more. Emma has now decided to step into the world of podcasting. The 20 year old YouTuber launched her first podcast series Anything Goes, in April 2019. Emma has reached many audiences with her podcast as she discusses good habits, friendships, and reminding those who feel lonely that they are never alone. Emma discusses controversial topics that everyone thinks in their head but they are too afraid to speak out about how they feel. It is important to me to highlight some of her special episodes from the podcast for those who do not feel heard.  

“Advice Session #11” 

In the episode Advice Session #11, Emma dives deep into making sure her listeners understand it is okay to lose friends. People grow, move, and change and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. It may take time to allow yourself to have the people you want and need in your life but that day will come, and when it does you will never be happier. Emma also discusses making sure the people you want in your life match your energy and put the same amount of effort into the friendship as you. It is important to have a well balanced friendship or you will feel an enormous amount of pressure on your shoulders to hold everything together. In this episode Chamberlain also discusses improvement on your happiness as well. It is okay to be selfish and make decisions that are going to benefit you. Whether it be in your relationships, career, or goals if there is an opportunity available for you to do something you have always wanted you do it, no questions asked.  

“New Years” 

The episode title may conflict with what Emma truly discusses this episode. She does not discuss plans you have to have for New Years and makes you feel bad you did nothing. Emma discusses in this episode how important it is to set goals for yourself. Those goals do not have to be large and not achievable, they can be as easy as being kind to yourself and knowing that you are not going to have the best day everyday. It is just fine to have a bad day but it is also important to not beat yourself up over it. Take your goals one day at a time and with time things will go the way you want or need them too. 

“Alone But Not Lonely” 

In this episode Emma discovers something about herself during her heartbreak that turned into something heartwarming. Emma discusses how it is not a bad thing spending alone time. Many  people view being alone as “cold” or “depressing”, however, Emma discovers and speaks about how it is neither. Being alone is eye opening and can allow you to change your perspective on so many things. Especially after a break up it can be hard to deal with all the emotions running through your head, being alone can release your anxiety and allow you to work things out in your own mind before trying to explain to others how you are feeling. Emma speaks about how independence and confidence go together as well. She also how it is important to feel good on your own and not relying on anyone to make you feel more confident. 

“Getting Back on Track” 

Before this episode was released Emma had a really hard time with life and went through a major crisis and breaking point in her life. She shares some tips on how to get through a hard time no matter what you are going through in this episode. Finding happiness is a major theme throughout this talk and Emma speaks about happiness taking time and it is true. Happiness does not just take over your body one day after going through something hard. Find small things that excite you or try a new hobby you have always wanted to do. Do something good for yourself everyday and find things that make you excited about life again. Emma speaks out about the day you find yourself truly happy is the moment you don’t stop looking around and comparing what everyone else is doing to what you are doing. It speaks volumes about a person who truly does not need validation from others to make themselves feel pure happiness.  

Emma Chamberlain wants everyone who listens to her podcast to have a comfortable and safe space where they can relate to normal emotions. She makes you feel accepted when feeling sad, angry, or overall emotional. Emma is definitely the epitome of sharing what goes through an average teens’ mind on a daily basis.  

Kelly is a senior at Lynn University. She is currently studying Psychology in hopes of becoming a therapist. Kelly spends most of her time at the beach or listening to music. She loves helping people and learning new things everyday!