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Enjoying the fall in New Jersey

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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lynn chapter.

Some of my favorite memories are going apple picking at Eastmont Orchards in colts neck and getting way too many, walking through/getting lost in a corn maze, making apple pies and having the kitchen smell amazing, drinking apple cider, going to Delicious Orchards and picking out all the fall treats cider donuts, pies, apple jams, butters and apple cider after picking apples, searching for that perfect pumpkin in the patch to put it on the porch and then taking it home and carving it with my family, putting on a sweater and jeans and enjoying the chiller weather, putting on a candle that smells like pumpkins and apples, sipping on a pumpkin drink while finding the perfect apple for my pie and sitting by the fire pit outside when it’s a chilly night out. The best time for fall is in October, since it’s still warm during the day and in the sun with jeans and a sweater it’s the perfect temperature. When  it gets a little chilly at night you only need a light jacket to go outside. I will always try to go home each October now that I’m usually in Florida during the fall because I want to be able to enjoy the weather back home. I went home a few times last year but I have to say the fall trip was my favorite. I used to not like the fall since it meant going back to school and it was long and got boring after a while but now I actually miss it and can’t wait for it to start. November is still the fall season with pumpkins and pies and Thanksgiving  seems more like a fall holiday but a lot of stores start selling Christmas gear and Christmas movies are playing and it starts getting cold out so it feels different. In September it starts to feel a little like fall but its still pretty warm out not as warm as summer but a comfortable temperature. This year I plan to go home in mid October and enjoy the fall weather go apple picking and make dessert with the fresh apples. The best part is even before the apples are even in the pie and are covered in cinnamon sugar I always try to sneak a few before my mom sees me One of my favorite memories was going apple picking, then making the apple pies. We then went to watch my brothers football game and saw some of my home friends. A great place to get a the fall goodies is Delicious Orchards in Colts Neck they have the best cider donuts a ton of different pies, apple butters, great bread and cookies a bunch of little treats for gift baskets, they even have free samples of their delicious apple cider but I always have to buy some to take home and enjoy later. 

Katie is a junior at Lynn University. She is originally from New Jersey, She enjoy going to the beach with friends and hanging by the pool. She is a marketing major and has been plans for the future.