Are you dreading Valentine’s day? Is your partner hundreds of miles away? Have no fear I have some ideas for you.
Facetime Date
Did you ever watch Blended, where the couple literally lives states away, so they go on facetime dates every Friday? It’s not the best option, but it’s better than staying in for the night and sulking with your favorite ice cream.
Send A Care Package
If your loved one is in college on the other side of the country and can not afford to fly out for the long weekend, you still have time to send a care package! Cheer him or her up with a box of their favorite things.
Go Watch A Movie
You can always watch the same movie at the same time and then talk about it afterward. Okay it isn’t as great as holding hands and sneaking a quick kiss when things get boring, but at least you have something fun to talk about after. Also, it gave you a reason to get all dressed up!
Reschedule The Holiday
Valentine’s day is not about celebrating the actual day but spending a day loving your partner. You can have this holiday any day of the week. Reschedule for when you can finally be together. Look at the brightside, you’ll miss all the crowds!
Spend the day with Friends
Trust me, not all of your friends have boyfriends or girlfriends. Go out on a fun girls/ guys night, no harm in celebrating your love for them!
Those were just a few ideas to help you cope with the upcoming holiday. Just remeber to have no fear because you are not alone and don’t you ever forget that.