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Wait, Skincare Can Be Edible? Yummy Self-Care!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lynn chapter.

We have all heard of the classic avocado mask, but did you know there are a lot more DIY skincare you can do? These products are even edible, so you will have a snack to try after you use it….depending on what it is though. Some might not taste as good, but you’ve been warned!  

1. Oat and Honey Exfoliant 

2 Tablespoons ground rolled oats 

1 Tablespoon raw honey 

1/2 teaspoon apple cider vinegar 

Grind the oats almost all the way to flour. 

Mix in the honey and apple cider vinegar with a fork until smooth. 

Wet your face, then gently apply a small amount of the scrub in circular motions. 

Leave on for 10-15 minutes, rinse off with warm water, and moisturize. 

This classic exfoliant has been around for a while! I believe that honey works really well on your face, as I have tried it before. Another way you can use honey is as a wax when shaving—let it harden before ripping it off.  

2. Greek Yogurt and Cucumber Mask  

1 tablespoon greek yogurt 

1 tablespoon shredded cucumber 

1/2 teaspoon rose water 

Stir the ingredients together, and place on the skin. Let it soak for 20 minutes, and then rinse or gently wipe away with a damp cloth. Good for up to 5 days in the fridge.  

Another classic ingredient is yogurt! Greek yogurt masks have been around since, well…the Ancient Greeks! I personally can’t wait to use this one cause I know it will be helpful. Afterwards, grab some chips and you have a great savory snack!  

3.   Papaya Pulp Exfoliator  

1 tablespoon papaya pulp 

1/2 teaspoon fresh lemon juice 

1/2 teaspoon honey 

Blend the ingredients together in a food processor, and place on skin. Let it soak for 10-20 minutes, and then rinse or gently wipe away with a damp cloth. Good for up to 5 days in the fridge. 

Wanna do something different and fun? Try this exfoliator made from papaya pulp —yes, you read that correctly! With pulp to get rid of dead skin, and honey to soothe dull skin!  

4.   Anti-aging with grape 

1/4 cup grapes 

2 teaspoons olive oil 

Mash the ingredients together, and place on skin

Let it soak for 20 minutes, and then rinse or gently wipe away with a damp cloth. Good for up to 5 days in the fridge. 

It doesn’t get more DIY then this, people! This remedy is quick, easy, and will last for about a week! It actually reminds me of a remedy I made for myself when I first started experimenting with skincare in elementary school.

5.  Brightening and detoxifying Bentonite Clay and Charcoal Mask 

2 Tablespoons Bentonite clay  

2 Tablespoons Bentonite clay  

½ teaspoons activated charcoal (2 capsules) 

½ teaspoons activated charcoal (2 capsules) 

2 Tablespoons apple cider vinegar

 1.Mix the three ingredients in a small bowl until a paste forms, thick enough that it will stay on your face, but thin enough that it will spread. 

2.Apply to your (clean) face and let sit for about 15 minutes. It will harden up and make your face feel super tight!

3.Wash off with warm water.

This one might seem a little bit more advanced, but if that’s your thing, go for it! I love charcoal clay masks. The ones I use usually last about a year because I know just a tiny chunk can cover my whole face. Try that tip next time you want to save your DIY for later!

6.   Vanilla Sugar Scrub  

●1/2 cup raw sugar 

●1/4 cup coconut oil 

●1/4 tablespoon  vanilla essence  

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl and transfer to an airtight jar. To use, simply scoop a 5-cent piece sized amount out with your fingers, and apply to wet skin while in the shower or bath.

Yes, the very popular sugar scrub! I love these as I have a few myself- one peach-scented, a watermelon-scented one, and a bubble gum scented one. I also learned to make my own sugar scrub during quarantine at home last year!

This holiday season, try making these exfoliants, scrubs, and masks. These remedies are sure to leave your face flawless whether you are seeing distant relatives or just staying in. It’s a treat for your skin, and yourself!

Lily de Rooij is a senior this year at Lynn University. She love the connections and memories she has been able to make throughout the years here at HC. Her favorite part about being on the team, is coming up with new social media ideas and posts.