The latest student loan installment may have only come in a few weeks ago but between post-exam celebrations, rent payments and the odd ASOS order, it’s easy to already be in a bit of a financial mess. But, with a few simple changes, it’s not hard to get back on track.
1. Use public transport
An individual Uber ride may not seem to cost much but over the course of a month, it can build up quicker than you think. Also, the likelihood is you bought a Stagecoach Unirider at the beginning of the year so you might as well get your money’s worth out of it.
2. Skip the takeaway
After a long day of lectures, Deliveroo can seem like your best friend but often, your student budget just won’t allow it. For the price of one takeaway, you can get half a week’s groceries and, while a frozen pizza isn’t quite a Domino’s, it is a fifth of the cost.
3. BYOL (Bring your own lunch)
Speaking of food, a meal deal might be the easy option but can also rack up your outgoings. Swap the prepackaged sandwiches and salads for a fresh lunch, prepared at home. Big coffee drinker? Skip the Starbucks, invest in a thermal flash and bring your drink from home too.
4. Get conscious with your unconscious spending
Look at your monthly outgoings and think about if you really need to be spending that money. Are you actually getting your money’s worth out of that Netflix subscription? Are you realistically going to use that gym membership? If the answer is no, it’s time to cancel them.
5. Be strategic with your wardrobe
It’s February – you’ve collected plenty of winter looks already and summer is months away. There’s no need to be spending money on new clothes but if you want to indulge in a little retail therapy, shop smart. Try thrifting. Manchester has a great selection of vintage stores and Depop is always a good shout.