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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manchester chapter.

When my doctor told me I had to go lactose free for a month, my heart sank. However, I’m now two weeks in and I’ve found it isn’t as hard as I had previously thought. Here are some tips and facts that have helped me through!

1.     Knowing what you’re not allowed

When going lactose or dairy-free you have to either go hard or go home. Checking the labels on everything you buy makes life a lot easier, knowing that when you go home you can eat everything in your cupboards and fridge without having to worry. So when checking the ingredients list you have to know what you’re looking for. Anything with butter, milk, and cheese is now off limits!

2.     The brand Lactofree

The brand Lactofree has a wide range of lactose free dairy products. This ensures you get your calcium and don’t feel like you have to cut anything out of your diet. You can still enjoy your cup of tea or coffee in the morning, homemade cakes and they do a great cheddar cheese! Lactofree is sold in all the big supermarkets, including the Sainsbury’s in Fallowfield. Head over to http://www.lactofree.co.uk and check it out!

3.     Things you didn’t know you were allowed

Having a housemate that had to go lacto-free helped me a lot (she also had some cheeky tips on things I certainly didn’t know I was allowed!). After Eights and Bourbon biscuits are a prime example of this. So don’t fret you can still enjoy your choccies and even have a go at the After Eight game if you haven’t already…

4.     Losing weight

Cutting dairy out of your diet will also help shed a few pounds. Want to make sure you look fabulous in your new Christmas frock? This is an easy way to, without too much effort. It also means you can have all the mulled wine (and butterless mince pies) you want, without having to worry about your waistline!

Consult your doctor before cutting anything out of your diet. For information about Lactose Intolerance visit www.nhs.uk/conditions/Lactose-intolerance/Pages/Introduction.aspx

(Photo credits to tumblr.com, vimeo.com, blogspot.com)