1. Wow, another semester is almost in the books. Time to make next semester’s schedule!
2. Alright, solid, first two classes fit nicely together.
3. Ouch, okay, so the one class I need is on Fridays at 8am…
4. Well, I could always take it in the Spring…
See you in 2 semesters Music 150
5. Okay, back to the 2 that are good
6. Alright so there are like 3 options that fit for the next one… I’m gunna need more paper
7. Okay. We’re good so I still dont’ have class Friday but I’m gunna have to make a sacrifice
I’ll have to take the professor that got a 2 on RateMyProfessor.com…ya know.. the one with horrible reviews?
8. Anything for no class on Fridays #DiggingMyOwnGrave
9. So we have about 7 different schedule possibilities
10. Well, we’ll just see how registration goes….