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The 11 Stages of Going to Fens

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

When we were freshmen “Fens” was the upperclassmen bar. You maybe got in once but it was because you slipped in with the Basketball team after a big win. Whether you got in then or you use it as your last resort now, we’ve all made the decision to slum it in Fens (and we secretly love it). 


1. The moment you don’t want to walk to Riv

2. The moment you realize your only choices are An Beal or Fens

3. The moment you remember your friend got his ID taken at An Beal

4. The realization that you’re about to throw it back to Freshman year at hit up Fens

5. The moment you remember you live in OV and only have to walk acorss the street

6. That feeling you get when you see Froshies get denied

7. That moment when you see Pat

8. That moment you walk in and totally regret everything 

9. That moment you spin the shot wheel

10. When you sign the sheet to win an open bar

11. That moment you reach rock bottom and just accept you’re in Fens because you were too lazy to even try to go anywhere else


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Abby Welte


Manhattan College student majoring in Communication and an Intern for the New Jersey Devils. I'm not legally allowed to play board games in at least 9 states, enjoy long walks on a short pier, trying anything with frosting on it and yelling at my TV when hockey is on.