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5 AwesomeThings You Can Do For Women Right Now

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

March is Women’s History Month, an extremely important month dedicated to the achievements and progress of women everywhere. As a college student, it can be difficult to find things to do to show your support, fortunately there are many easy (and usually free) things you can do in honor of Women’s History Month!

1) Sign the Draw The Line Petition

www.drawtheline.org is an organization dedicated to getting the government to support the Bill of Reproductive Rights which guarantees fundamental human reproductive rights to all citizens of the United States. This bill could revolutionize the way the government treats individuals by providing basic reproductive health care to women throughout the nation and outlawing the attacks that politicians have waged against women’s agency over their bodies.

2) #ActForWomen

By writing a letter to your Senator through www.reproductiverights.org you can be part of creating legislation to ensure that women are provided with safe, legal and high quality healthcare through the Women’s Health Protection Act. This act would ban sanctions and restrictions on women’s health care choices in all states and allow women access to birth control, abortion and prevent doctors from forcing unnecessary and invasive ultrasounds on women.

3) Have an event to honor women at your school

Ask administrators and activity committees at your school if they have planned anything in honor of Women’s History Month. If they haven’t, plan something! Host a female speaker, encourage a group of students and faculty to have an open discussion on life for women at your campus or create a series of posters of influential women to hang throughout your school.

4) Support The Girl Effect

The Girl Effect is a movement designed to aid and encourage the more than 600 million adolescent girls who live in poverty worldwide. By donating any amount of money to projects listed on http://www.globalgiving.org/girleffect/ you can help kickstart a young woman’s project or business.

5) Write a Letter to a Woman that inspires you

Whether it be your mom, grandmother, sister, friend or a celebrity, the world is filled with inspirational woman. Write a letter to one of them and describe why their story is influential to you.

Writer. Feminist. Lover of iced coffee, dogs and all things cheetah print.