Ahh, February. The novelty of the New Year and winter has begun to wear off and now you’re crankily trekking through snow that only seems to cancel the classes that you really WANT to go to. While most of us countdown to some springtime sunshine, we tend to forget the often lofty and unattainable New Year’s Resolutions that we were so dedicated to until about January 3rd. Most people make goals with a complete transformation in mind and end up not following through and feeling guilty about it until December 31st rolls around again. Thankfully, there are ways to accomplish your goals in a more practical way and what better models than some fabulous dogs that show you with a little motivation, anything is possible.
1) Eat more healthfully.
Eating right does not have to mean starving yourself or going on some crazy fad diet. Nor does it mean eating kale all day and binging on Ben & Jerry’s under the cover of darkness when your roommates are asleep. Do what feels right for your body. Eat what you like in moderation and try to consider where your food is coming from before you eat. Also, if you want the french fries, eat the french fries and don’t beat yourself up about it.
2) Work out More
Overpriced water bottle, running sneakers and gym membership in hand, you embark on your fitness journey that you hope will turn you into a triathlete. However, no amount of neon workout attire will replace motivation and for many people, myself included, responsibilities like work and school tire us out to the point where a trip to the gym sounds more like torture than a healthy choice. Make your workouts fun! Join a zumba class with your friends, take a run on a nice day or reenact Beyonce’s 7-11 video until you can no longer “put up, your hands up.”
3) Clean/Get Organized
Getting a jump on spring cleaning seems plausible in the early days of January. That is, until you find yourself cleaning out your closet and rationalizing keeping your “The Little Mermaid” coloring book from kindgergarden BECAUSE MEMORIES! Baby steps.
4) Fall in Love
What better way to enjoy the new year than to find “the one.” Unfortunately, while the internet dating age makes it seem like potential prospects are everywhere, your Tinder matches may be more frogs than princes. Find someone as happy to kiss you as these two pugs are.
5) Find a New Hobby
Nothing quite puts a damper on your plans to start bunjee jumping other than the revelation that you are terrified of heights. Consider something a little less life threatening like an intramural sports team or knitting.
6) Volunteer to Help Others
We all want to feel like we’re doing our part to better the world around us. You don’t have to donate your life savings to every charity out there. Small, random acts of kindness such as paying for coffee for someone who looks like he/she is having a bad day or donating old clothes instead of throwing them out are a great start to help those in need.
7) Travel
With the cost of flights being extremely high, many find it difficult to be a globetrotter on a budget. Take advantage of other forms of transportation such as buses or trains (or even take a road trip with friends) to enjoy some beautiful destinations that don’t require a plane ticket!