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Being a Feminist In College: Gif Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

1) “But like, feminism isn’t needed because everyone is totally equal now.”

2)”So you hate men?”

3) When your school does nothing for Women’s History Month:

4) When a friend says something sexist:

5) When a professor says something sexist:

6) “We haven’t had a female president because women are too emotional, it’s biologically proven.”

7) When a guy is hitting on you and then says something derrogatory towards women:

8) When you find other feminist friends:

9) “Miley Cyrus is like, the ultimate feminist.”

10) How you feel after you tell off a raging sexist:

11)When people don’t understand intersectional feminism:

12)Every time you hear someone refer to a girl as a slut:

13)” Women’s sports are stupid.”

14) When your syllabus only lists works by dead, white men:

15)When someone reminds you what a fabulous feminist you are:

Writer. Feminist. Lover of iced coffee, dogs and all things cheetah print.