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Campus Celebrity Christopher Hoey

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

Whether he’s in the library pouring over some engineering homework in the library, fundraising for an upcoming LOVE trip or educating potential fraternity pledges of the Phi Mu Chapter of Delta Kappa Epsilon, Chris Hoey is quite a presence on Manhattan College’s Campus. It seems that everyone knows him and many are lucky enough to receive one of his huge hugs upon running into him on the Quad.

I was able to interview Chris to learn a little bit more about him for this week’s Her Campus Celebrity!

Name: Christopher Hoey

Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada

Major(s)/Minor(s): Electrical Engineering with double minors in Mathematics and Business

Favorite Food: A simple bacon cheddar cheeseburger

Favorite Movie: Inception (“I love to have something capture my thought as well as my interest.”)

Guilty Pleasure: Chocolate (“I could go months without eating it, but once I get a taste, I crave it for so long!”)

Last thing that took your breath away: “Seeing all the historic sights on my L.O.V.E. trip to El Salvador!”


As a Vegas Native attending college in New York City, I have to ask you: West Coast or East Coast?

“I most definitely prefer the East Coast! I lived 18 and a half years of my life wanting to see snow, feel the weather change, see leaves fall, and not cook to death for 9 HOT months and boil for 3 less hot months. Not only that, but the diversity on the East Coast allows for so much more culture to be experienced, and more opportunities!”

What would you say is the best opportunity that you have been offered as Manhattan College Student?

“The absolute best opportunity that Manhattan College has offered me would have to be the L.O.V.E. program! I’m extremely passionate about understanding and attempting to resolve social injustices, and my two previous LOVE trips (Jamaica and El Salvador) have taught me how the world functions outside of our sheltered bubble in NYC. “

What is the best part of your major?

“My favorite thing about my major is the possibility it brings to me after graduation. I could go into luxury technologies, solar powered energy sources, anything really!”

Have you given any thought to what specifically you want to do post-grad?

“I have given thought to my post-grad plans. Simply put, I’d love to start my own Electrical Engineering firm that works with the United Nations to provide efficient green energy sources to third world countries!”

One last question, what is your go-to song to sing in the shower?

“Anything Imagine Dragons (VEGAS REPRESENT!)” 

Writer. Feminist. Lover of iced coffee, dogs and all things cheetah print.