Now a month into the semester, you have probably noticed that college food is not all that great. You may luck out some days in Lockes, but most of the time it’s the same bland food you had yesterday and the day before. Unfortunately, we have to suck it up as going out is expensive and there is only so much equipment available to use to cook in the dorms. However, there are several recipes that you can find that only require a few ingredients, a mug, and a microwave.Â
Personally, I think breakfast is Locke’s best meal, but if you have a different opinion, there are a few great breakfast foods you can cook in the microwave. One of these meals is pancakes! I would have never thought of it, but with just a few ingredients in your mug, you can make pancakes right in your dorm room! Another more popular mug breakfast recipe is an omelet. It does not get simpler than cracking two eggs in a mug and adding the extras of your choice! Lastly, you can go to your local convenience store and pick up a package of oatmeal. Just substitute the bowl for a mug and you’ve got another convenient and easy breakfast recipe to make without leaving your room!
Lunch & Dinner
If you are looking for a cheaper meal alternative for lunch or dinner than purchasing some takeout, look no further. Although these recipes take more ingredients than the breakfast one, they are just as simple to make! One of the mug recipes you can make is mac-and-cheese, requiring only macaroni, cheese, and milk. This makes it an easy way to take a break from the dining hall for a meal! A second recipe you can make in a mug is lasagna. This recipe can be really basic, or you can add vegetables and/or meat to meet your desires.Â
Lastly, there are several desserts you can make in a mug! These recipes are more well known and my personal favorite (especially when I have late-night cravings). For all of the dessert recipes, all you need are your basic baking ingredients. My go-to is the chocolate chip cookie, but there are also brownie and cake recipes you can follow just as easily.
So next time you go into Locke’s and find nothing you’d like to eat, try one of these simple recipes!