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Lindsay Thompson / Her Campus

Extracurriculars that will Boost Your Resume

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

Want to be the ultimate girl boss? Your resume goes beyond your grade point average and shines brighter with how active you are on campus, in your community and in professional environments.

Starting off with the obvious: Executive Board Positions!

As a freshman, you should find what clubs you’re interested in and become fully invested so that you could hold an executive board position as soon as your sophomore year. It’s difficult to get an internship your freshman and even your sophomore year, but having these leadership positions on your resume could give you that little push. If the club is a national-wide organization such as honor societies, sororities, or society of women engineers; your executive title holds a greater worth.

Engaging in your community: Volunteering and Service Trips

There’s a reason why volunteer service is a section of a traditional resume. Whether it be Saturday service, fundraising events or a week-long service trip, it shows that you are engaged in the wider community. Service work is a typical aspect of companies, especially if they are a non-profit, so it also gives you a discussion piece if you get that interview!

Fellow Lady Jaspers: The W.I.S.E Fellowship 

The Women Inspiring Successful Enterprise at Manhattan College is a Professional Development summer internship program for women! In this program, you are matched with an 8-week internship program, free housing, weekly workshops and a participant in the women’s symposium. If you did not apply this year, there is always next year!

A given: Her Campus Writer!

As always, we would love for you to join our team! Being a Her Campus writer gives you a voice, even if you are introverted because it’s a behind-the-scenes position. It shows that you have time management and are responsible to submit a weekly article.


Ciara Coyle

Manhattan '22

Ciara is a ChemE with a Concentration in Cosmetics in Manhattan College's Class of 2022. She's a millennial pink enthusiast who loves everything shopping and photography!