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Goals for a Better and Happier Me

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

Happy New Year! 2021 brings so many hopes and aspirations to the world after quite a horrific 2020. Many hope to tackle 2021 by setting the famous New Year resolutions for themselves, something I have never been too fond of. Many people make resolutions and don’t stick to them or push them off halfway to next year; they also seem forced sometimes as if the changing of the year number means a change in your life. Personally, I prefer to make goals for myself each year or semester. Yes, resolutions and goals are similar, but resolutions are decisions to do or not do something whereas a goal is a desired result out of ambition. Setting goals instead of making New Year resolutions also allows yourself more time than just one year to complete your desired result. With that said, below are some of the goals I have set for myself, both new and continuing.

To receive an internship and a new job position: Applications are almost finished and I am excited to put myself out there. I never thought there would be opportunities as an education major to receive an internship and am looking forward to seeing what opportunities arise and what new knowledge I will gain along the way. I applied for a new job on campus and am hoping to continue helping fellow students out but with a job that would make me happier and expand my leadership skills.

To become more fit/workout at least 3 times a week: After my season ended abruptly last year and having a far from normal one this year, my fitness level has taken a toll. I am challenging myself to create time in my schedule this semester and beyond to get back to my normal workout routine and stay fit no matter what my season may look like.

To eat healthier: With staying fit as one of my goals comes eating healthier. As an athlete it is important to me to watch what I put into my body, something I have lost track of over quarantine. I challenge myself to get back into healthier eating habits to make myself not to look better, but to feel better.

To read more non-school related books/articles/etc.: One of the harder goals on my list, I aspire to get back into reading. Whether it be fiction, mindfulness, articles, etc. The readings for coursework can become overwhelming and make me want to not read a single word more, yet I hope to find reads that make me want to read more than my assignments.

To take more pictures: I scroll through my camera roll on my phone a lot and have noticed a lack of photos of the ones I love and of myself. I hope to capture the rest of my college years more, especially when I live in one of the greatest cities in the world. 

To gain membership into campus honor societies: Although I am quite involved on campus in several clubs, work, and leadership, academics will always be number one on my list. I take pride in my work and strive to be recognized for it with membership into a few chapters of different honor societies on campus.

To relax more and stress less: College can become extremely stressful and I tend to find myself lost in the stress that comes with the piles of coursework. As someone who hates to be bored, I hope to find ways to relax that will take my mind off coursework for a few hours each week and help take some of the stress away.

To explore NYC more: We attend college in one of the greatest cities in the world, yet I feel as if I have explored so little of NYC. I aspire to see more of what the city has to offer.

To give back to my community/volunteer more often: Volunteering was an every week thing for me in high school. Unfortunately, I lost touch with giving back to my community after coming to Manhattan. When it becomes safer to do so, I hope to get into volunteering weekly with the CMSA.

To become truly happy with myself again: Personally, I have been through a lot since 2019 and have lost touch with myself. I aspire to become whole again and be the bright and happy person I once was.

To meet new people: Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE my friends. But, I do wish to branch out of our friend group and meet new people. The Manhattan community is filled with so many people from all over, so why not get to know them?

To enjoy life to its fullest: 2020 has taught me to live life while you can. I aspire to take more opportunities to create memories, try new things, and just enjoy life.

Not all of these goals are meant to be complete by the end of 2021, some I have even had for a few years now, but I do plan to start working towards reaching them throughout the year. A new year does not have to mean a new resolution and especially not a new you, but the hope that comes along with it can aspire goals for yourself and your future.   

Casey Schellberg

Manhattan '23

Casey is a senior at Manhattan College majoring in Childhood Education with concentrations in math and psychology. In her spare time, she enjoys hanging out with friends, shopping, and exploring NYC. Casey is also a part of Manhattan’s cheerleading team and serves as an RA on campus. She is loving her home as a Jasper at MC and cannot wait to see what the upcoming years bring!