So unfortunately, I have realized lately that the way I process alcohol is not what it used to be. I’m 22 years old and getting old, RIP!!!! I am currently sitting here this morning and my stomach just isn’t feeling fantastic after having a little too much wine last night. I often find myself googling what the best hangover cures are. We all have our bad nights as well, no matter how old you are, so I think it’s pretty useful to know what the best hangover cures are:
My friend told me about this one and it’s probably honestly the best one I’ve found!! It’s a children’s stomach remedy that’s also made for dehydration. I highly recommend it!!
Pasta or Crackers
Your body probably does want you to eat, but you most likely can’t stomach the thought of anything. Therefore, the best food to eat is some plain carbs like pasta or crackers, so that you can get energy but not feel worse.
Sleep and Water
Pretty self explanatory, but it heals all wounds.
Pickle Juice
Yup you read it right….it sounds nasty, and I’ve never tried it, but apparently it scientifically works because of the electrolytes it contains.
Things You DON’T do
Drink more, eat greasy foods, drink too much coffee. None of this will end well.
I am hope this helps you out next time you’re having a bad hangover!