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It’s Not Too Late For New Year’s Resolutions

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

By Alicia Bartolotta 

Personally, it feels like the last few years have been flying by. I blinked for one second and it was already 2023. With everything going on in the world you may have found it challenging to come up with reasonable resolutions for the new year. Well, that’s okay! It is never too late to start a new goal in your life. This article will give you helpful tips to get started 

Step one to coming up with resolutions is looking back at your accomplishments from 2022. What is something you improved upon last year that you are proud of? I set myself a goal of walking more in 2022. I used my health app to see my average steps for 2021 and tried to beat that in 2022. Seeing that the average count per day went up over the two years made me feel accomplished. You’ll also wanna look at things you could have done more of in 2022. Whether that be going to the gym more or reading more books, both of these are things I wanna improve on. Take note of these as they will help you come up with resolutions.

The next tip is to think small, reasonably and precisely. If you did not go to the gym once last year, it is not reasonable to plan to go to the gym five times a week. Do a small goal that can follow you out the whole year. Pick a precise amount of time you want to go to the gym this year, say fifty times. This is definitely achievable and makes you prioritize your resolutions without allowing them to consume your every thought. 

Something else I find really helpful is tracking your progress. Whether it’s on a google doc, in a journal, or in your notes app, make sure you’re keeping track. If you wanna read ten books this year, write that out. Then next to it state how many books you’ve read so far. I find it is best to do this digitally because you can see the last time you edited the document so you know if you’ve been keeping up with your goals. If you prefer to actually write it out you can always add the date you last completed a goal next to your progress.

The final tip, and most important one, is to not stress yourself out over these. New year resolutions are supposed to be a chance for you to do things for yourself. Find something you enjoy and want to do more of in the coming year. If you put a lot of stress on the action, you’ll start to resent it and lose something that helps you. Overall, remember your success, start small, track your progress and have fun.  Best of luck to everyone. Let’s make 2023 the year of growth.

Hello, my name is Alicia and I am a sophomore at Manhattan College. My interests include writing(obviously), coffee, and reality television. Hope you like my work!