Reducing your carbon footprint can be one of the best things that you can do right now to help combat climate change. Your carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide you produce due to the number of fossil fuels that you use. Doing little things in your everyday life can help reduce your carbon footprint to help pollution and climate change!
Using Less Water
Just as simple as turning the water off when you brush your teeth or taking shorter showers can help reduce the risk of water waste.
Switching To Reusable
Plastic is one of the worst things for our planet due to its inability to decompose. One plastic water bottle will take 450 years to fully decompose. It takes a plastic bag over 500 years to decompose. Switching to reusable bottles and bags will help the future of our Earth!
Driving Less
Cars emit 4.6 tons of carbon dioxide every year. With the weather getting nicer it is easier to bike/ walk to places. This isn’t to say ‘stop driving’ but maybe think if you can walk or bike instead!
Buy Less Fast Fashion
We all know fast fashion is horrible for the environment and one of the biggest pollutants of our time. Take time to research your favorite brand and where they get their materials from. Thrift stores and second-hand shops are a great alternative for helping this!
Reducing Meat Consumption
Now this isn’t me saying to stop eating meat fully, but meat produces billions of tons of carbon dioxide every year which is one of the main things that is causing climate change. Living in the city there are a bunch of vegan options and alternatives for your favorite meals!
This website can help you find your carbon footprint so you can see how much carbon you produce!