Name: Erica Rebussini
Age: 20
Hometown: Johnston, Rhode Island
Major: English
Minor: Economics
HC: What extra curriculars are you involved in at MC?
Erica: “I’m a Lee Hall RA, President of Singers, music coordinator for Music Ministry, a retreat leader, the inititaor of the Kairos trip, and a Lasallian Leader.”
HC: Best advice to freshman?
Erica: “Say yes and figure it out later.”
HC: Who do you look up to the most?
Erica: “Anyone who challenges me to be better, but mainly my parents.”
HC: Why did you choose Manhattan College?
Erica: “It’s a small Catholic Lasallian school and that’s exactly what I wanted. It just felt right, and I knew I could find a home here.”
HC: Quote you live by?
Erica: “Be humble for you are made of earth. Be noble for you are made of stars.” -Serbian proverb
HC: What do you like to do in your spare time?
Erica: “What spare time?”
HC: Plans for after graduation?
Erica: “I want to go to law school or do a year of service.”
HC: Best Manhattan College memory?
Erica: “Freshman year after my first Lessons and Carols when everyone went outside and it was snowing. It was magical.”
HC: Fun fact about yourself?
Erica: “I accidentally memorized my dad’s credit card number when I was 8 years old to register for Club Penguin and I still remember it to this day.”
HC: What’s your favorite thing about MC?
Erica: : “The sense of purpose I feel from the people I’m surrounded by.”