Name: Gabi Herrera
Year: Sophomore
Major: Chemical Engineering
Minor: Maybe Math
Why did you choose Manhattan College?: “I knew I wanted to major in engineering but I also loved that it was a liberal arts school. I love the performing arts so I wanted to have both.
What has been your favorite MC memory?: “Studying abroad in Venice! I had never been to Europe before the trip. It was three weeks and it was perfect.”
Are you more of a Chocolate Chip or Oatmeal Raisin Cookie?: “Chocolate Chip ’cause I’m classic.”
What’s the motto that you live your life by?: “Just go for it! If you can do it, why not?”
What do you like to do for fun?: “I’m involved with Singers and Players on campus, so I do the school musicals, I’ve been playing piano since I was four, so music is a big part of my life.”
Describe yourself in just a few words: “Compassionate, hard-working, adventurous.”
What’s your biggest pet peeve?: “I’m guilty of it myself, but when people click their pens in class.”
What’s your MC bucket list?: “I definitely want go for the Engineering Honor Society, try the Fat Bitch at Jasper Deli, obviously graduate, take on a little in my sorority, go to the top of the church and have the OV experience!”Â