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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

By Emily Gianni

Spongebob Squarepants has been our staple childhood show.  It has even been a go-to show for many of our parents.  Although this show may be seen only as entertaining, I argue that this show left us with many relatable quotes that go hand-in-hand with our everyday lives.  Here is a list of my top ten most relatable quotes from the show and why. 

“I knew I shouldn’t have gotten out of bed today.”-Squidward.  This is extremely relatable because before class in the morning, it’s hard to get out of bed and by the end of the day, you wish you never left.  I do have those days where I suspected that my day was going to be rough, starting with the moment I opened my eyes, so as Squidward said, I knew it wasn’t going to be a good day.  

“Wake me up when I care.”–Squidward.  Squidward is a relatable character because I don’t care about the random drama going on in either my life or other people’s lives.  It is much better to ignore things going on, especially when you don’t necessarily care about it.

“If I don’t make any money today I’ll surely break out in a rash!”–Mr. Krabs.  As a college student, I am constantly spending money.  The amount of money I spend now really hurts the bank.  Similar to Mr. Krabs, I hate spending money.  But I do have to spend money and while at school, I spend more money than I make through my jobs.  Living life as a college student can be rough for the bank account sometimes, but at least Mr. Krabs relates. 

“Stupidity isn’t a virus, but it sure is spreading like one.”–Sandy.  When I hear people talking in the dining hall, in classes or directly to me, sometimes I say this very same thing to myself.  I don’t understand how some people think the way they do and even spread misinformation.  Stupidity really passes along to different people and it is very sad to see so many people catch this disease. 

“I’ll have you know that I stubbed my toe last week and only cried for 20 minutes.”–Spongebob.  I too am a crybaby. I love to cry.  We have to celebrate our small successes, like getting my crying down to about two times a week when I used to cry more.  We have to celebrate our victories, even if they are small. 

“Well it may be stupid, but it’s also dumb.”–Patrick.  I really do live by this every day.  I know sometimes I say dumb things, but I will own up to it.  This doesn’t only happen to me, but to many of my friends. They say things dumber than dumb.  But that’s okay because we always get through things together!

“Being grown up is boring.  Besides, I don’t ‘get’ jazz.”–Partick.  Throughout my childhood, many adults complain about their office jobs and bills. They always say that being an adult stinks.  Sitting in an office for the rest of their lives is not ideal, but it is what they have to do to make money.  I chose a profession that I will love, although everything else about adulting I’m not looking forward to.  Additionally, I don’t understand jazz either and I would rather not listen to it.  Rap is more my speed.

“Can I be excused for the rest of my life?”–Spongebob.  Life can get hard, sometimes too hard.  Similar to what Squidward said in a quote above, you don’t want to get out of bed sometimes.  In this quote, Spongebob admits to not wanting to do something and wants to be permanently excused.  I too feel like this and want to be excused from different situations on a daily basis.  

“You’re part of my crew now, and our job is to sail around and frighten people.  It’ll be grueling, mind-numbing, and repetitive. Just like
 daytime television.”–Flying Dutchman.  When I make friends, I make sure they know that I’m mildly crazy.  I enjoy acting in a crazy manner.  All of those who are friends with me know that they were invited into the secret club of friendship.  The Flying Dutchman would agree when I say that we are in it together.“And tonight, after my big promotion, we’re gonna party till we’re purple.”–Spongebob.  Last but not least, it is important to celebrate!  After something happens in life, whether it is a good grade, a job acceptance or important life milestones, celebrate.  By celebrating everything from the little things to the more important things, life becomes more enjoyable and you will appreciate everything a little bit more.

Emily Gianni

Manhattan '24

Hi I'm Emily! I am in my Senior Year at Manhattan College, graduating in Spring 2024. I am studying Childhood Special Education with an upward extension to middle school with a double major in English. My goal in life is to teach elementary school and later on, teach middle school. Although I don't have a position in my Her Campus chapter, I am still an active writer for Her Campus! I write about all different topics for Her Campus, anything that interests me or that I believe other girls will find useful and informational. I am a team captain on the Manhattan College cheerleading team, so I may write about that sometimes. I also love sorority rush season so I have written about my sorority a few times. I believe that Her Campus is an amazing source for women to put their work out there and influence other girls. I love being a part of this organization and being able to write about whatever I love. This is the best outlet for me to learn more about my writing style, experiment with different topics that I would not be allowed to write about in a class, and grow as a writer.