Rebecca McCann
That ‘90s Show, is a new sitcom released by Netflix on Jan. 19, 2023, based on That ‘70s Show, which first aired in the summer of 1998. The show takes place in the suburbs of Point Place, Wisconsin. The same Foreman household basement is the gathering place fans have gotten to love just as it has always been.
As a fan of That ‘70s Show, I had pretty high expectations for That ‘90s Show and personally rate it four out of five stars. I liked how most of the original cast made special guest appearances throughout the season. The new cast is more diverse and allows for more viewers to be able to relate to the show.
Leia Foreman is the main character and daughter of original characters Eric Foreman and Donna Pinciotti. The family visits Eric’s parents, Red and Kitty, for the Fourth of July. Leia meets her grandparents next door neighbor, Gwen, who she immediately befriends. Gwen introduces her to all of her friends: Jay, Ozzie, Nikki and Nate. However, when it is time for the Foremans to travel back home Leia begs her parents to stay. After convincing her dad to stay with her grandparents for the summer, she set out to make it the best one yet. Throughout the season the groups find themself in tough spots together and separately, yet rely on each other to help them get through it.
While the episodes go on it is clear that That ‘70s Show is at the heart of the show. The new group of kids continues to “light up” in the basement, as the camera pans from one character to the next, and try to keep their stache hidden from Red and Kitty. Jay, son of Michael Kelso and Jackie Burkhart, keeps the Kelso name alive. Jay is similar to Kelso as he is known to be the “pretty” boy, not the sharpest tool in the shed and even uses the catchphrase “BURN”. Fez also makes a larger appearance in the show as he still lives in Point Place. This new group being a new generation still relates to the original cast. The show having a different take alludes back to the original series, making it enjoyable to see what comes next while having that same sense of comfort from the past. I would say it is a little cheesy but definitely worth the watch. It was interesting to see an original cast be incorporated into a new show in different ways with the same flare. Therefore, I would definitely recommend That ‘90s Show to anyone in need of a new show to binge.