By Adrianne Hutto
One of the lessons I learned and am still learning as I get older is the importance of professional clothing. Earlier this semester I had my first professional interview for an internship. Leading up to this meeting I realized that I had nothing to wear that fit into the description of “business casual.” I panicked and wore a sweater vest.
Since then I have accumulated a few staple items that have made professional interviews and events less stressful. I now enjoy getting ready for these events as it gives me the opportunity to wear my professional attire that only comes out a few times a week.
There are actually very few items of clothing that are necessary for a complete business wardrobe.
A Blazer of Every Color
While you don’t necessarily need one of every color, though if you can you should, having a blazer that you can throw over any shirt or slacks is an easy way to dress up your look. In the age of Zoom interviews this is especially handy as you could easily be wearing sweatpants on the bottom, which I almost always am, and a white t-shirt on top, but as long as your interviewer doesn’t know that, you’ll be dressed for the part. I like having a black, white, and colored blazer because it doesn’t have me wearing the same one to every event, however, one blazer is all you really need.
Slack-off in Slacks
As much as we love business on top and casual on the bottom, occasionally events are in-person requiring you to completely dress the part. A pair of suitable (get it) dress pants can be found at H&M for a reasonable price. This, in my opinion, is the comfiest way to look professional without having to shave your legs for the occasion.
A (Not So) Little Black Dress
As much as I try to avoid it, sometimes a dress is necessary for professional events. The benefit of a dress is it means simplicity. All you need is one good black dress that doesn’t go too far above the knees. Throw a blazer over top and you’ll look like a presidential candidate. Just avoid spaghetti straps and excess cleavage.
Just A White Collared Shirt
Don’t doubt the collared shirt. Much like a blazer, it serves the purpose of effortlessness. Rather than trying to find a shirt to wear every time you have a meeting or event, throwing a long sleeve collared shirt on top of a skirt or pants makes a professional look and requires minimal effort. You could have a million white shirts, so who’s to say you aren’t wearing a different one every time?
Dress Shoes That Don’t Hurt Your Feet
Lastly is, of course, your shoes. As much as we try to avoid it, you do have to wear business professional shoes when you are at an in-person event. However, it is important to remember that you don’t necessarily have to wear heels to look professional. Oxfords are a great alternative to heels, as they meet all the requirements and allow you to wear socks. Consider either a cheap pair from ASOS or Lulus or commit to a nicer, long lasting pair from Urban Outfitters or Doc Marten.
Just remember not to stress the next time you have to look professional. Whether it’s a work event or interview, stay calm and search your closet because there’s a 50% chance you have something professional in your closet. Worst case scenario tip: a sweater can be considered professional attire.