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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

By Emily Gianni

Although you may still love your partner, your relationship may not be enjoyable anymore.  You may be constantly arguing with your partner, even over minor issues, and you aren’t able to stop.  Being in a toxic relationship means that you feel unsupported, misunderstood and attacked. Your well-being is threatened either physically, emotionally or psychologically.  Here is a list of toxic behaviors that may indicate that you are in a toxic relationship.

You may face a lack of support from your partner.  They don’t seem to agree or support you on anything you do.  They may not show up to anything you want them to and they don’t show their care anymore.  You may feel like they don’t care about you; instead, they only care about themselves.

Controlling behaviors is a huge tell-tale sign of a toxic relationship.  This is when someone begins to control what you can wear, what you can post and who you can talk to or have on social media.  When you are in a relationship, it may be hard to see this, but if you take a step back and take another look, you can realize that the relationship is not safe.  Being controlling may stem from jealousy, mistrust or a need for control.  While in a relationship, your partner needs to trust you.  This goes hand in hand with a loss of relationships between either family members or friends.  You should not have to back away from your loved ones if you are in a relationship.  You should be able to balance all of your relationships in your life. You should not feel like you pushed away those who aren’t your partner.

When your partner is disrespectful over and over again, they do not care about how they treat you.  There should be no reason why your partner calls you mean names, whether it’s to your face or behind your back. Once your partner disrespects you, it is hard to gain full respect again, as they think it is okay to be rude to you.

If you are constantly stressed about being in a relationship, or you don’t feel happy when you are with this person, it may be time to let the relationship go.  Most people already have too many stresses in their lives and your partner is supposed to keep you happy and even destress your life.  Of course, a relationship will face stresses: illnesses, financials, social life, etc.  But, there is no reason why a couple should argue every day, even if you anticipate it. In a toxic relationship, you may hope for change, which can happen (sometimes).  For things to change, both people in the relationship have to be open to trying for things to get better.  It is very improbable that things will change in a toxic relationship.  Although the relationship was once perfected and all you ever wanted, things change as relationships grow.  Although it can be hard to recognize that a relationship is toxic, it can be even harder to leave the toxic relationship.  Just know that you should not stay in the relationship if you aren’t being treated for all that you are worth.

Emily Gianni

Manhattan '24

Hi I'm Emily! I am in my Senior Year at Manhattan College, graduating in Spring 2024. I am studying Childhood Special Education with an upward extension to middle school with a double major in English. My goal in life is to teach elementary school and later on, teach middle school. Although I don't have a position in my Her Campus chapter, I am still an active writer for Her Campus! I write about all different topics for Her Campus, anything that interests me or that I believe other girls will find useful and informational. I am a team captain on the Manhattan College cheerleading team, so I may write about that sometimes. I also love sorority rush season so I have written about my sorority a few times. I believe that Her Campus is an amazing source for women to put their work out there and influence other girls. I love being a part of this organization and being able to write about whatever I love. This is the best outlet for me to learn more about my writing style, experiment with different topics that I would not be allowed to write about in a class, and grow as a writer.