Don’t start your first day with chaos: come equipped with these tools to set the tone for your internship.
What began as a daunting, all-consuming process came to an end. The blood, literal sweat and tears poured into each resume, cover letter, and additional materials paid off in a mutually beneficial internship: one that gives leverage to employers that need extra help, and more importantly, one that provides you with insight, experience, and exploration.
Summer internship season is beginning shortly. The most talked-about, coveted season preoccupied us Red Foxes for ages, and now, it’s time to show your skills, your personality, and your confidence. Be excited and be AMPED, because you’ll be learning a whole lot in a position that (hopefully) matches your career goals.
However, with the start of a new internship, a new, even more challenging process commences. Now you’re tasked with wowing your employer, displaying your prowess, talents, passion, and hardwork in a cursory time frame. That can be quite difficult if you’re not prepared, and arrive in haphazard disarray and confusion that result in anxiety. So without further ado, to avoid this, follow these 10 tips to excel, and begin and end on a strong note.
1. Research, research, research!
You did this before the interviews; hell, you did this before applying for the position. But that does not mean the research ceases forever. Research is ongoing, meaning you must always review updates on your employer. Check their social media, visit their website, get to truly know the company: its culture, its mission, and all the works. Do what you need to do to be on your A game.
2. Plan your commute ahead of time
Make sure you know what the hell you’re doing and where you’re going. The worst mistake you can do for yourself is act like a deer in headlights because you’re unaware of which train to take, or how to drive there. Print directions, devise a plan, establish a carpool system if need be, and understand your route inside and out.
3. Brush up on your technical skills
Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop, Hootsuite, and Google Alerts just to name a few for Comm majors. In all seriousness, it’s imperative for you to know how to use and apply technology; it’s the direction in which industry is moving and you must be able to follow this global trend.
4. “Uh, what’s the dress code?”
This is not a question to ask day one, minute one of your internship. You need to know this beforehand. Ask your interviewer, or anyone you know who works within the company via email or other channel of communication in advance. Yes, it’s good to stand out, but only in a good way– not because your outfit doesn’t coincide with the rules.
5. Know Terminology
I am pursuing a career in Public Relations, so naturally I’m taking PR classes at Marist. My professor this semester demands for us to NEVER use the word “advertising” or “advertise” in her class and in PR setting because Public Relations and Advertising are different industries; in her described context, you would use the word promote instead. This is an example of how critical it is to know your industry vocabulary. Open the textbooks, search the web, and brush up on your terminology; it will only serve in your favor.
6. Don’t forget your papers!
Passport, license, working papers– bring whatever you need to bring on Day 1, and don’t wait until the last minute to complete them. More importantly, do NOT forget them; that’ll be an awkward first conversation to have with your employer.
7. And don’t forget crucial supplies
With your notebook, pen/pencil, your laptop, and other supplies that I did not list, but make you thrive, you will rule your internship. Record information, ideas, and tasks, and use your laptop to complete these tasks and build your ideas. You’ll thank yourself later, and so will your employer.
8. Get a Good night’s rest
The night before your internship is not the time to embark on a wild escapade at your hometown bar and hook up with your summer fling. No, not even close. It’s your duty, for your body and mind, to go to bed at a decent hour. A well rested evening results in a productive, energetic day. Again, you’ll thank yourself later.
9. Embrace Self-Care to deal with the nerves
I know you’ll be on edge, stressed and nervous in the weeks and days leading to your internship. Believe me, so will I. In these moments, take care of yourself: go on a walk, try yoga, hang with friends and family, watch your fave tv show, read a good book or journal your feelings. Always put yourself first, it will improve your performance academically and professionally.
10. Don’t Expect Perfection
You’re human so by default, you’re flawed. You’re going to make mistakes, even when you work your ass off. You’ll have varying on and off days. And that’s OK. This is a learning journey, a chance for growth and progress. You’ll learn how to follow and apply directions into projects, you’ll learn how to meet an employer’s expectations, and you’ll become immersed in a professional environment. Don’t ruminate on mistakes; grow from them, and move forward.
Your summer internship experience simply cannot be measured by your salary or received credits; it transcends listed requirements, duties, and your formal documents. Your summer internship experience is ultimately molded by you, as a person, and as a passionate contributor to the future of our workforce. It will shape your career path, giving you perspective on what to pursue. This is an opportunity, based on your blood, sweat, and tears, that you deserve. Good luck on your adventure, it may just be your most wildly adult one yet!