Marist College Dance Ensemble treasurer, and tap choreographer.
Amanda, a senior at Marist, answered some questions for us about Marist College Dance Ensemble (MCDE). Dance Ensemble is completely student-run and is one of the largest clubs here on campus. She tells us what it’s like to be a board member as well as a choreographer…
HC: How long have you been part of dance ensemble?
AW: Since my freshman year.Â
HC: How many dances and what style of dance have you choreographed?
AW: I have choreographed five semesters in total. Four with my co-choreographer, Kate Boylan, and alone last semester when Kate went abroad. All the dances have been tap.
HC:Â What is your board member position?
AW: Treasurer.
HC:Â What are your responsibilities as treasurer?Â
AW: I handle all the financial aspects and budget for dance ensemble. I keep track of all the money that comes in and out of the club. The best part is of course collecting pizza money for our Friday night “hell week” rehearsal!
HC: What’s it like being on the E-Board of dance ensemble?
AW: It’s definitely a lot of work. Hell week as a board member is really hectic because we are the first ones there, and last to leave. We also don’t have any nights off during that week like the dancers; we are making sure the show will run smoothly that whole week. However, it’s extremely rewarding, being that this is the largest club on campus. It’s a great feeling seeing the show come together and knowing that you were such a big part in that. Â
HC: Has a dance from any year been your favorite or still stand out to you?
AW: I really can’t pick! I have tried a lot of different styles including jazz, hip hop, musical theatre, and more. I can honestly say I’ve enjoyed and loved performing every dance I’ve been in.
HC: Do you like teaching or learning a dance better?
AW: I like both, but since I’m majoring in education I would have to say choreographing. Teaching is a passion of mine, and I like teaching college students after dealing with 4th graders all day. I really look forward to teaching every Thursday night.
HC: If someone was hesitant to join dance ensemble, what are your top 3 reasons for joining?
AW: First, you will definitely find a dance that fits you. We have all different styles and levels of dance to accommodate everyone! My second reason would definitely be the friendships that come out of it. Almost all of my housemates are in dance, and it’s so much fun to perform with them at the shows. I also feel like “hell week” is good bonding time for the whole club because everyone comes together to make the show possible. Lastly, I love that I am able to continue dancing in college without the pressure of being on a team. Dance ensemble allows me to just have fun and relieve stress.
Everyone can come see Amanda and all the other dancers at their Fall recital on November 19th and 20th at Poughkeepsie High School. Be on the lookout for ticket sales in the Champ breezeway!