If you are a senior, junior, sophomore, or even a freshman, I think you can attest to the notion that college goes by SO quickly. Not to get deep or anything, but this article consists of thoughts that many of us think once in a while that I thought I should share. If you are a freshman and you think that college seems to be going by rather slowly, just wait until next year, the year after that, etc. While seniors at Marist are nearing graduation, there are many aspects to consider such as jobs to apply to, where to live, people to stay in close contact with, how to budget with your own money in the near future, and much more.
It is crazy to think about all of the fun memories and rough times that many of us experience while in college. No matter which stage you are at, savor every moment. I learned from high school not to think too far ahead into the future, not to think too far into the past, and to (as cliche as it is) just live in the present. This will only improve your happiness and your appreciation of life. We are all gifted with the opportunity to be attending an amazing college and to be given an amazing education. Our thoughts should be focused on bettering oursleves, strengthening relationships, and being kind to everyone we encounter. These three things will create a positive aura around you and those around you.Â
Make time to organize time to do your assignments, avoid procrastiation, spend time with friends and on the phone with family, and make time for yourself.
I wish good luck to everyone throughout midterms this week, and I hope you all have an INCREDIBLE AND RELAXING spring break!