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Meet Marist’s Real Life (Phil) Prince Charming

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marist chapter.

Name: Phil Prince

Year: Senior

Hometown: Staten Island, New York

Major: Environmental Science and Policy

Hobbies: Cooking, sailing, fishing, and traveling

Fun Fact: His sister Anna also goes to Marist!



Her Campus: What are you involved in/what have you been involved in while at Marist?

Phil Prince: I was in the Environmental Science Pre-College Program my junior year of High School, I was the President of Italian American Society for three years and now I am a mentor for the current board. I am a Peer Mentor for the Ready, Set, Go program for incoming freshmen, I am also currently a part of Campus Sustainability Advisory Committee. In the past, I was part of Seed and Campus Ministry and I also started my own Intramural Soccer Team.

HC: You seem to make friends really easily and a lot of people know who you are, what qualities do you think you have that make you a people person?

PP: I think I am a good conversationalist and really friendly. I take every opportunity there is to meet someone new. I would also say I am helpful and generous. When people ask me for a favor I rarely say no. I’m also really spontaneous!

HC: Do you have a favorite spot on campus?

PP: I’d have to say the patio in the back of Hancock.

HC: Do you have a favorite memory from your time here at Marist?

PP: To be honest I can’t pick just one, but I’d have to say all of Sophomore year living in Lower New with my friends.

HC: What’s your favorite song at the moment?

PP: “What Do You Mean” by Justin Bieber.

HC: What’s one food that you can’t live without?

PP: Pizza!

HC: I heard a little bit about your 3 internships, could you tell me more about them?

PP: Yes, I was offered three different internships at the Cary Institute in Millbrook, New York. I choose one and am now with the Cary Institute working on a project to reduce the amount of road salt that is used during the winter months.

HC: What do you plan on doing after you graduate this year?

PP: I hope to find myself working in a government job utilizing my degree in Environmental Science.

HC: Do you have one piece of advice for the current freshmen class?

PP: Yes, seize every opportunity you have to make a connection with somebody new. Always say hi to everyone and just be nice. Don’t look down at your phone while your walking on campus; enjoy Marist! Appreciate every second you have here. When I was a freshman, I didn’t truly believe the upperclassmen when they said how fast these four years would go but now that I’m a senior and its alumni weekend, I’m realizing that they were right. I’m now seeing everything from the senior perspective and it’s crazy how fast it has gone. I want to tell freshmen to step our of their comfort zone – go abroad, take a class you wouldn’t think you would like, try to do something great everyday, because all of the opportunities you have here are amazing. Within these four years of your life you have the chance to do some incredible things, but once you graduate you may not have those same opportunities.

Thanks for the solid advice, Phil! And good luck with the rest of your senior year.

Briana is a Mathematics-Adolescent Education Major who enjoys singing, acting, photography, and her fair share of fashion!