As February 14 approached, I asked friends what they were doing to celebrate the holiday and many answered with: “Nothing, I hate Valentine’s Day.” Unlike the many heart day haters out there, tomorrow’s holiday happens to be my favorite one of the year. Before, you exit out of this tab in frustration, take a minute to hear my reasoning.
First, it’s a day that involves pretty much all of my favorite things: flowers, cards, the color pink, stuffed animals and, most importantly, chocolate. Although some may argue that Valentine’s Day can turn into a materialistic holiday, I happen to enjoy all of these things so no complaints here. I love the idea of giving small gifts to the people you care about. There’s no need for over-the-top presents when it is the smallest touches that really make a difference in someone’s day. Consider creating a hand-made card as a small way to tell someone you care about them.
Speaking of people you care about, that is what the day is all about! Regardless of if you have a romantic someone in your life, you definitely have a special someone or two who loves you. Whether your special someone is a family member or a close friend, use Valentine’s Day to tell those who matter in your life that you care about them.
Finally, Valentine’s Day brightens up the dreary winter with something to look forward during the seemingly endless cold months. So enjoy the day by taking a break from all the homework professors are starting to assign and doing something fun. Don’t let that winter chill get you down. Limited edition Starbucks molten hot chocolate, anyone?
So, instead of hating on Valentine’s Day, let’s all spread the love with a cute card, chocolate or just a hug or two. Happy Heart Day to you and your loved ones! <3