Every year you seem to make the same resolution that you break within a month of the new year. As soon as that ball drops and the clock turns to midnight, you start those unnecessary diets, swearing you’ll go to the gym more, actually go to class and not procrastinate, or manage the stress in your life; the ever-so-typical most common resolutions that just never seem to last more than a month. You are basically starting off to a bad year because you just cannot get motivated to actually succeed at your resolution. This is why you should toss the tradition of making/breaking a resolution, and make a bucket list.
Bucket lists are something you can look forward to completing and get you even more excited when you actually mark one off the list. Don’t go for the typical bucket list goals either, write down something that seems impossible, that you would love to do, and that makes your stomach turn just thinking about it. However, when the following year starts to roll around and you haven’t crossed off an item on your list, just push it to the next year. No hard feelings and no failures.
Travel, Travel, Travel
Whether it’s to a gorgeous island like Bora Bora or just a road trip out of state, make traveling number one.
Meet New People
Expand your group of friends and get out of your shy shell and introduce yourself to your potential new friend in class or for a lifetime.
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