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5 Reasons Why Spring Semester is More Stressful Than Fall Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.

The first semester at school may challenge you in ways you never thought were possible. You may feel like you have overcome some of the most difficult obstacles that your academic career will ever throw at you. However, you soon realize that fall semester was nothing but a warm up for the main event, spring semester.

Spring semester never ceases to be more difficult than you could have ever imagined. There’s a combination of reasons why this semester is more difficult than the last. Here are a few:

1) The nice weather makes it harder to focus and go to class.

Fall semester is nothing but snow and freezing temperatures after the first few weeks of class subside. The weather makes it undesirable to go out and do anything but stay cooped up in your apartment or dorm. However, spring semester brings on the heat and the desire to be outside as often as possible. As temperatures rise your ability to focus falls and you can’t stop thinking about summer. Seeing everyone longue around campus makes it difficult to actually go to class and sit through an entire lecture.

2) You’re trying to multitask a million things at once in the final weeks: studying for finals, group projects, term papers etc. 

Spring semester loves to hit you with a million different assignments all due during the same week. In the final weeks of spring semester you feel like your head is going to explode. There’s a combination of studying for final exams, completing group projects and writing your term papers. Every time your professor assigns you another task you have to get done you feel your soul shed a tear.

3) Housing decisions are a nightmare. Who’s going to sublet my apartment over the summer? Where am I living next year? 

Nothing is worse than dealing with the nightmare that is housing during spring semester. You rush around and post a million ads for someone to take over your lease for the summer months—all while you’re struggling to figure out where exactly you’re going to live next year. Unless on campus housing actually didn’t give you the short end of the stick for once, you’re almost always doomed. Trying to organize whom you’re living with and where feels like a never-ending battle.

4) Packing up your entire dorm or apartment feels impossible.

On top of having to study for finals, getting your papers turned in and finishing all of your projects you have to pack. You have no idea how you accumulated the amount of stuff that is now sitting in your dorm. Every time you think you’ve packed your last bag you realize there’s still a drawer full of clothes. If you’re packing you’re worrying about what you have left to study. If you’re studying you’re worrying about everything you still have to pack. The entire task feels impossible.


5) Trying to line up a summer or job or internship is more difficult then winning “The Hunger Games.”

Forget about just focusing on schoolwork during the spring semester, its time to craft the perfect resume. Internships loom over your head as you research each and every possible opportunity. After contacting 10 different companies and only hearing back from three you feel like all hope is gone. Lining up an internship for the summer truly feels like “The Hunger Games,” as you compete against thousands of other college students.