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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.


Name: Dan Foley

Age: 20

Hometown: Chalfont, Pennsylvania

Year: Sophomore

Major: Mechanical Engineering

Relationship Status: Single

Campus Activities: UMD Sailing Team

Celebrity Crush: Haha, probably Rihanna.

Favorite Food: Anything off the barbecue. And cheesesteaks because I grew up around Philly.

Favorite Band/Artist: Animal Collective or Fleet Foxes.
Favorite Movie: There Will Be Blood. Daniel Day-Lewis was incredible.

One thing you can’t live without: Wawa food market.

What do you look for in a girl?

I don’t really have a type, but someone who is really comfortable with who she is and is adventurous.

How would you describe the perfect date?

Its more about the company you keep. It could be trying something new or keeping up old traditions, as long as the company is good.

What is your guilty pleasure?

Animal videos on youtube. The internet is one of the most powerful inventions ever and I use it to watch cute puppies all day.

What is one surprising fact about you?

I used to play the cello. I put it down in middle school because I thought it was uncool, but now I wish I hadn’t. I play mandolin and guitar now.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Working, traveling, keeping old friends and making new ones. As long as I’m happy and giving back to others, I don’t care much where I end up.