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Finding comfort while being alone in college

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.

Society puts a lot of pressure on having a busy social life and doing things with others. However, when in college, that is not always possible. Being in a new environment with different schedules leads to more down time as a student. While being alone may be uncomfortable at times, embracing these feelings will ultimately enhance the quality of your life. 

Reflecting on high school days when everyone had the same schedule structure, it was easier to eat together, walk to classes with friends and hang out during breaks. 

College is different. Finding comfort in being alone might be one of the most valuable lessons I have learned in my first two months of freshman year. Spending time by myself has taught me to find my own happiness. Whether it is going to get a coffee at a cute cafe or getting a workout in at the gym, being alone allows you to understand who you are on a deeper level. 

I love going on long walks and finding new paths to jog down. I first did this because all of my friends were busy. I put my Airpods in and blast Taylor Swift and Gracie Abrams. Now, I have new “secret” spots on campus that I can show off to my friends. 

College is a time for self-discovery and becoming a better version of yourself. Spending time alone can also benefit your mental health. Taking a step back from your busy college schedule and prioritizing your needs can definitely be difficult, but finding ways to reset is so vital. 

I often check in with myself to see what steps I need to take to reduce stress. My favorite ways to reset for the week are, doing face-masks, cleaning my dorm, and getting my favorite meal from Stamp. These simple tasks allow my busy week to go more smoothly. 

Although many of us may fear what others are going to think when they see you alone, I promise you, no one notices. Start finding comfort in your skin and enjoy being alone. Each day, find one thing you enjoy doing alone and make that part of your daily routine!

Hi, my name is Lindsey Rubinger and I am a freshman majoring in journalism. I started my college journey as a Public Health Science Major, but after attending my first few bio lectures I quickly realized that path was no longer for me! I am from hot and sunny South Florida, and I am so excited to be here in College Park, Maryland and experience the change of seasons. As much as I have loved being away from home, I have a nine-year old maltese shih tzu at home who I miss and love so much!  As social media continues to grow I hope to start posting things like day in the lives, get ready with me and more! Recently I have been really into fitness and living a more balanced lifestyle like eating healthy and incorporating a daily workout.  In terms of what I want to pursue in my future, I am still unsure. However I have been reassured how normal it is to be on the fence with your career path. I love all things fashion, beauty and makeup. I have always had a passion for writing and am thrilled to be a part of something I feel so passionate about.Â