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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.



1. Year: Graduating in December!

2. Major: Criminology & Criminal Justice

3. Hometown: Buenos Aires, Argentina

4. Relationship status: Hmm…

5. Favorite color? Purple

6. Favorite season/holiday? Fall and Christmas

7. Biggest pet peeve? Getting interrogated

8. Zodiac sign? Libra


9. Your dream car. I’m afraid of commitment, I need more space…

10. Your dream girl. The mind don’t always agree with the heart

11. Your idea of a great date. One with the girl I like…

12. Yourself in three words. Intelligent, competitive, I was told mysterious…

13. The last song that you listened to. Hit the Floor by Linkin Park

14. The last restaurant that you went to. Chipotle!

15. The first thing that you hope to do after college. Put my degree to some good use! Better pay off…

16. The first thing that you notice about a girl. Her feature that stands out the most. No two girls shine the same…


17. Make you laugh. Cocky people, I might be ticklish, and Argentinians are funny

18. Turn you off. Girls who play dumb, bad smells, and girls who think they’re dudes

19. You’d wish for if you were Aladdin. No speed limits, a wife, and three more wishes…

20. You’ll miss the most about UMD. I guess I’ll miss pulling all-nighters, being late to class, and I wish I would’ve taken advantage of the Boxing Club more…