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Navigating Academia: Five ways to stay on top of assignments this Fall semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.

Trying to complete assignments in a timely manner can be extremely daunting at the height of the semester. Here are five ways that you can combat procrastination and complete your assignments well before their due dates!

  1. Add all assignment due dates to your calendar.

Adding the due dates of each assignment to your calendar of choice is a great way to keep up with each assignment and can also help to assure that you do not wait until the last minute to complete assignments. Whether your calendar of choice is digital or physical, it can make quite the difference in your schoolwork regimen!

  1. Connect with other students in your classes.

Connecting with other students in your classes can not only build friendships, but it can allow you to keep yourself and your classmates accountable for completing assignments. You can also schedule homework sessions with your classmates at your school’s library to complete assignments in a timely manner.

  1. Create a homework playlist to get yourself motivated.

Whether you prefer an upbeat or melancholic playlist, creating one solely dedicated to completing assignments can aid in completing them in a timely manner. You can quickly compose a playlist including your favorite artists on YouTube, Spotify, or Apple Music!

  1. Prepare all necessary materials in advance.

For time-consuming assignments such as research papers and essays, finding compelling sources can take a lot of effort. Beginning the research process ahead of time gives you the opportunity to closely read each source and figure out whether it will properly support your argument. 

  1. Set aside time for yourself between the completion of each assignment.

It is easy to get overwhelmed by the amount of assignments that require completion. Remember to give yourself time to breathe and continue to engage in hobbies during busy times of the semester to avoid academic fatigue! 

Utilizing just one of these tips this semester can thoroughly improve your productivity and lead to a smoother assignment-completing process.

Have a happy and productive fall semester!

Gabrielle Chisolm is a devoted writer from Clinton, Maryland, and an undergraduate English student at the University of Maryland. She is a staff writer for the Her Campus University of Maryland chapter, and takes pride in writing for Her Campus, as it allows her to pursue writing through the lens of journalism.