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Relay For Life at the University of Maryland

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.


Looking for a fun and easy way to get involved on campus? Want to participate in an exciting event that is for a great cause? Look no further than UMD Relay for Life!
Relay for Life began in 1985 when Dr. Gordon Klatt wanted to raise money for the American Cancer Society in honor of his patients. He walked the track at Barker Stadium at the University of Puget Sound for 24 hours straight, while different friends of his paid $25 to either walk or run along with him for thirty minutes.

That day, Dr. Klatt walked approximately 83 miles and raised a total of $27,00 to donate to the American Cancer Society. Since then, Relay has become the main event of the American Cancer Society. It has developed into an over night event, lasting either 12 or 24 hours, where the different teams participating camp out around the track.

Each Relay for Life event includes three signature events: the Survivor Lap, the Luminaria Ceremony, and the Fight Back Ceremony. Each Relay event kicks off with a lap walked by local cancer survivors, who are often accompanied by their “caregiver”- someone who stood by them throughout their journey.

Once the sun sets and it becomes dark out, the Luminaria Ceremony begins. During this portion on the event, the track is lined with lit bags donning the name of those lost to cancer. Participants use this time to remember loved ones, as guest speakers share their stories.

As the event starts to come to a close, the volunteers from the American Cancer Society take the time during the Fight Back Ceremony to get participant to pledge to take action by spreading awareness of cancer research, treatments, and prevention.
All of this is making its annual appearance at UMD on April 20th, 2013 at Ludwig Field. So far, 72 teams with a total of 371 participants have signed up and already raised almost $13,000.

The Relay for Life Committee here at UMD has been hard at work planning this event since the start of the school year. So far this year they’ve multiple fundraisers at local eateries where one designated night a certain percent of all profits made are donated to UMD Relay for Life.

This year’s committee also organized a “Rush Relay Week” which took place from October 10th to 26th and was designed to encourage students to sign up for Relay, as well as doing some fundraising along the way. The week started off with a fundraiser night at Jason’s Deli and continued on with a paper airplane toss, trick-or-treat candy sale, breakfast for dinner, knockout tournament, and finished off with balloonaria.

You can sign up for Relay for Life on their website by either joining an already existing team or by starting your own. Added bonus: if you start you own team you get a special captain’s t shirt! So grab a few friends and start fundraising!

To sign up for Relay, click here: http://relay.acsevents.org/site/TR?fr_id=48764&pg=entry


Have a twitter account? Follow @RelayUMD, and don’t forget to like their facebook page!


Photos used with permission by RelayForLifeUMD