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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.

The weather is getting warmer, so obviously it’s time for another beach read from renowned author Emily Henry. 

In the past four years since her first adult romance novel, Henry has become a publishing titan with four New York Times Best Sellers, including Beach Read and People We Meet on Vacation,  and 2.4 million book copies sold worldwide. She’s become a summer staple, releasing yearly tales of love, friendship and the beauty of getting older. 

On April 23, Henry released her fifth romance novel titled “Funny Story.” The book was named a Most Anticipated book of 2024 by TIME, and it surely lives up to the hype. Admittedly it may take a few (or more) chapters to become fully attached to the characters and their unconventional situation, however, any reader will be smiling against the pages by the end of the nearly perfectly-paced 400-page book. 

“Funny Story” is a classic “opposites attract” narrative, but with a realistic and heartwarming twist. Children’s librarian Daphne (you’ll notice all of Henry’s protagonists love to read) has moved to an idyllic beach town with her fiancé, Peter, confining herself to his preferences and lifestyle. However, just weeks before the wedding, Peter leaves Daphne for another woman, who happens to be his childhood best friend. This is where the story really begins as Daphne, now with nowhere to live, decides to bunk with Miles, the ex-boyfriend of Peter’s new love. 

Like Henry’s previous protagonists, Daphne is struggling with dissatisfaction in her adulthood, but in this case, is now attempting to create a life for herself apart from other’s expectations. 

Funny Story is centered around the mourning of past hopes and the loss of familiarity. Daphne, Miles and their counterparts are relatable, deep and familiar. 

Henry has done it again and has kept romance lovers happy for yet another summer.

Libby Devlin

Maryland '27

Libby is a freshman from Doylestown PA, studying English at the University of Maryland. She is super excited to be joining HerCampus and can't wait to get started.