ABC’s Scandal is Shonda Rhime’s crown jewel, and it’s jam packed with outstanding characters but none comes close to that of Olivia Pope. Liv is the epitome of what every woman ought to be: strong, determined, hard-working, resilient and outstandingly well-dressed.
Let’s start out with Olivia’s AMAZING taste in clothing. There isn’t a single camera shot of Olivia where she doesn’t look on point. It doesn’t matter if she’s had a long, hard tiring day at the White House and is just climbing into bed. In all of those heading-to-sleep scenes she’s seen in stunning silk pajamas. Normally though, Liv isn’t in her silk pajamas, she in some gorgeous white pantsuit or a stunning vintage cream colored dress. When it comes to Olivia’s style there are always two things you can count on. One, she’s looking flawless and two, she’s in white.
She knows what she is worth. There’s absolutely no denying that fact. Olivia may be (secretly) dating the President of the United States of America, but she has no problem putting Fitz in his place when she knows he’s not treating her right. She KNOWS she’s amazing and brilliant and no one is going to make her feel like less. One of the greatest Scandal quotes to this day is when she tells Fitz, that if he wants her, he needs to earn her. This should be all of us ladies, if someone wants you, understand that they need to earn you.
She’s selfless. It’s rare when Olivia puts herself before others. She’s constantly cleaning up other people’s messes and ensuring that their reputations and credibility remain untarnished. That leaves little time for herself but she never minds because helping others is what Olivia does best. Despite what Maya Pope (or Marie Wallace or whatever she calls herself) says, that doesn’t make Olivia “the help”, it just makes her an amazingly selfless and incredible woman.
Olivia gets the job done. She is incredible at her job. She never, EVER fails. Olivia is the best at her job and that’s what every woman should strive to be. Be the very best at whatever it is that you do. When anyone has a crisis of any sort the first name out their mouth is Olivia Pope. Her name alone demands respect and it’s exclusively because she herself earned it. She worked hard and became the best and now she sits at the top and she deserves it, completely.