Are you and your friends going different paths once college ends? Do you think you won’t be able to stand it once they are gone? Here are some tips on making the last year the best year with friends and how to stay connected in the future!
Make a Bucket List – Bucket lists can be helpful to narrow down what you want to do before the year ends. Try to complete every single thing on the bucket list before you graduate. You may not have the time once you guys are in different regions of the world. So try your best to make realistic goals to accomplish.
Go Out EVERY Weekend – You made the bucket list, now you have to make the time to do it! Plan one day over the weekend where you will spend time doing stuff with one another. It can be as little as going to brunch or as big as going on a road trip; just plan it out and follow through. Like I stated before, you may not have this time again in the future. Make the time now so when you look back at your college days with the girls you have some interesting stuff to share.
Plan ONE Big Trip Together – Rather it be for an upcoming break such as Spring Break to Miami or just a getaway weekend to NYC. Try to plan to do one trip that will be memorable. Having this time with your friends will be special years down the road when you are reminiscing your college years. Plus getting away from the worries of school can be good! Don’t let this opportunity get away.
Set Future Reunion Dates – Once you guys graduate, you still need to plan to have a reunion. The friends you make in college will be your friends forever. Make at least one reunion date after college and continue the trend.Remember, your college friends will be the ones you call when you just had a baby, get married or get your doctorate degree. No matter what path you take, don’t forget to make time for them.